Building a Strong and Diverse Teaching Profession
Learning Policy Institute
May 3, 2021

This Playbook offers a comprehensive set of strategies that work together to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain high-quality teachers and bring greater racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity to the profession. Read it cover to cover or, depending on your local or state circumstance, explore a single chapter or strategy. Additional resources include examples of legislation; a curated list of publications, by topic, for further reading; a guide to talking about teacher shortages and strengthening the profession; and examples of research-based policies.
The Teaching Profession Playbook from the Partnership for the Future of Learning offers a comprehensive set of strategies that work together to recruit, prepare, develop, and retain high-quality teachers and bring greater racial, ethnic, and linguistic diversity to the profession. Read it cover to cover or explore a single chapter, depending on your local or state circumstances. Additional resources include examples of legislation and research-based policies; a curated list of publications, by topic, for further reading; and a guide to talking about teacher shortages and strengthening the profession.
The Teaching Profession Playbook includes:
- Introduction: Why Invest in the Teaching Profession?
- Chapter 1: Effective Recruitment Strategies
- Chapter 2: High-Retention and Culturally Responsive Preparation
- Chapter 3: Effective Retention Strategies
- Chapter 4: The Critical Role of Principals
- Chapter 5: Competitive and Equitable Compensation
- Messaging Chapter: Communicating Effectively for a Strong and Diverse Teaching Profession Legislation Examples.