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The History, Current Use, and Impact of Entrance and Licensure Examinations Cut Scores on the Teacher-Of-Color Pipeline: A Structural Racism Analysis

AACTE and the Consortium for Research-Based and Equitable Assessments

June 2021

Indisputably, my positionality as a faculty member and former administrator(department chair, associate dean, dean) at two historically Black colleges/universities (HBCUs) for nearly 30 years in forms the perspective shared in this framing paper. That said, I submit that thevalidity of this perspective is strengthened, rather than compromised, by my personal engagement in the question at hand. As one who has watched the teachers of color pipeline steadily diminish in recent years—even as increasing numbers of U.S. children are children of color—I cannot help but feel that changes to our nation’s system of teacher entrance and licensure examinations are long overdue. But let me start at the beginning.

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